Well, here I go. I am uncertain about blogging but have always been intrigued by it so here goes nothing!
I decided that 2013 was going to be THE year. The one that focused on my health (while continuing to make sure that my family is good). I just know that I must show my daughter that this is important. If she see's her Dad and I making good choices then see is more likely to grow up healthy.....right?!?
My plan? Well, I became a Beachbody coach. why not? I love to help people. Fitness is more successful in groups, so why not do what I can to bring others along with me on this journey. Support is good and essential.
I also started using Shakeology. I must say that this has been amazing so far. I feel great. I have energy and dare I say, feel a little happier! Also......I have lost 4 pounds!!! The other bonus is that my acne prone problem skin is clearing up. This is an added bonus that I wasn't expecting.
Seriously, could it get any better then this!!!!