Happy and Healthy

About Me

I am married to an amazing man. Together we have two beautiful girls. Our oldest is a charismatic, high energy 5 year old and our little one is 6 months old.
We both started our journey with Beachbody in January 2013. I woke up one day and looked around and had to make an honest assessment of where I was at. I have an office job and I sit ALL day LONG. When I am not at work I would spend all of my time TRYING to balance the family and home activities. The result was that there was NO TIME for me and I was on a path that was destroying my health. The pounds were mounting and I was becoming unhappier by the minute. It was then that I realized that I didn’t want my daughter growing up and making this her path too. It was time for change!
Originally I decided to become a Team Beachbody Coach just for the discount on shakeology, but after my husband and I experience tremendous results (I lost 18 pounds and he lost 35 pounds) we realized that drinking shakeology daily and doing the programs actually really worked, and worked around our life. That is when I became passionate about sharing these proven programs with others.
I especially love helping busy parents and empowering them to model healthy behaviours for their children that will result in healthy happy lives. This is exciting and empowering to me, I have the privilege of helping others to develop the strength and confidence to make lasting lifestyle changes that lead them to live a long and healthy life for themselves AND their children. What in the world could be better than that?!? I do this all by simply sharing what has worked for me and my family.
I am always looking for people to join my team – I’d love to hear from you. Get more details here  if you think you might be interested in joining my team!

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