I hear from a lot of people that they can’t make the financial commitment to a challenge pack. I completely understand this. I had the same objections myself when I was making my decision to invest in my own health. The result was that for a long time I refused to make the commitment. I was hiding behind any excuse not to do the work, not to make changes to my “comfortable” and “fluffy” life. I had a lot of “reasons” why I couldn’t do this. I am a mom. I don’t have time. I don’t have the money. I don’t have space in my house to workout. Sound familiar?
Guess what? Not only do you owe it to yourself to become healthy, to model the behaviour yourself that you want to see in your kids, the excuses simply are not true. The biggest excuse that I would like to help you move past is the excuse of “I can’t afford it”.
I wanted to share with you the numbers that I crunched.
Before I switched to an at home workout program I was spending:
- $8 – 3 times a week buying lunch = $24 a week = $96 a month
- $5 – 3 times a week at Starbucks = $15 a week = $60 a month
- $50 a month for a gym membership that I didn’t use enough as it was hard to get there around work and my child’s schedule.
That is a grand total of $206 a month going out a little here and a little there!!!!!!
Once I saw these numbers it became hard to argue with myself about the financial commitment. If I could easily spend $206 each month maintaining a lifestyle that was unhealthy and hurtful to my child, then why exactly could I NOT make a ONE TIME financial commitment of $140????? I decided to make changes and BE SMARTER with my hard earned money. If I purchased a challenge pack I would own the workouts and fitness plans forever. It no longer required a monthly fee to workout.
I decided to give up Starbucks and to make lunches, not buy them. I bought a challenge pack for a ONE TIME COST of $140.
I SAVED $66 the first month!!!
The second month (and every month since) I continued to purchase shakeology. This costs me $125.87 (all in). Now each month I SAVE $80 and I lost 18 pounds!!!! I also stick with my workout because I can do it at home around any schedule that I have. While the baby naps, while the kids are at school, early in the morning, while they have quiet time….literally whenever. Some days my daughter even wants to do it with me. There is nothing better then modelling a healthy life for my kids! The added bonus is that at 4 years old she understands the difference between a healthy snack and a processed snack and requests the healthy snack. To me, there is not price that can be placed on that.
So, I ask you to please, HONESTLY look at where you are currently spending your money. Why wouldn’t you want to get a program that WORKS and will SAVE you MONEY each money. Why wouldn’t you want to model healthy behaviour to your kids and be responsible for providing them with a long, healthy life?
If you are ready to invest in yourself because you ARE WORTH it please let me know.
I have never once regretted my decision and I made it OVER a year ago.
You can get more info on taking the challenge here: http://livinghappyandhealthy.automaticceo.com/marketing/go13