Happy and Healthy

Monday, October 20, 2014

While Expecting Keep Moving

(This is an old post. I found it in my Archive. I thought I would share it anyways;-))
There are many benefits to exercising while pregnant. It improves your muscle tone, strength and endurance. If you were fit before you became pregnant, you may find it easier to adjust to pregnancy.
Regular exercise will:
  • help you to carry the weight gained in pregnancy
  • prepare you for labour and birth
  • make getting back into shape baby easier
There are a lot of factors that determine whether it is safe for you to exercise during your pregnancy. It’s always best to consult with your doctor before starting a new routine.
These are some suggestions for exercises that are generally considered safe while pregnant (some not suitable during the last few months of pregnancy):
  • Walking: doesn’t  jar your knees and ankles, and gives your heart a workout if you walk briskly.
  • Running: very effective way to work your heart and body. This is an exercise that should not be taken up during pregnancy, but can be continued if you where a runner before pregnancy.
  • Swimming: this is one of the safest forms of exercise for you. It exercises both your large muscle groups (your arms and legs) and works your heart and lungs. Feeling weightless in the water is fabulous as you progress in your pregnancy.
  • Yoga: maintains muscle tone and flexibility. Its kind to your joints.
  • Weight Training – if you did this before, you can likely continue But you will need to lay off the heavier weights.
  • If all else fails and you are stuck on partial bed rest like me. They do you best to do some simple stretches and exercises. I have found these ones to be helpful;-)
(This is me at 40 weeks!!! I kinda miss it;-()

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