Happy and Healthy

Tuesday, August 12, 2014

22 weeks

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The baby:

At 22 weeks the baby is 11 inches and almost 1 pound (about the size of a spaghetti squash). Apparently the baby now looks like a TINY HUMAN!

Lips, eyelids, and eyebrows are becoming more distinct, and there are even tiny tooth buds developing beneath the gums.


Well, I have a definite pregnant belly. Have gained 8 pounds and it’s starting to get awkward to bend over! Unlike my last pregnancy I have not swelled this time and for that I am extremely grateful.


I can’t even believe how fast this pregnancy is going. All things considered I thought it would be dragging out. There have been so many bumps along the way, starting with a misdiagnosis, that I will write about one day as I feel that it is extremely important to share, but today is not the day. For whatever reason, I can’t write about it until this baby has safely arrived.

I have been dealing with high blood pressure, dizziness and horrible migraines. Migraines that are triggered by the pregnancy hormone! Who knew that could even happen! The odds are similar to winning the lottery, yet, it doesn’t cause the same excitement. Lol 

Some days are awful and some days are alright. There are a lot that are in between the two. Rest has become my friend and is very much needed. I thought I would be going stir crazy, but, I am oddly ok with this all. Growing a tiny human is the most important amazing thing and I am grateful for the ability to do so. Despite the issues, I am one of those women that absolutely LOVES being pregnant. The growing belly, the kicking baby, all of it really. This baby is so very active. It’s great. Feeling the movement is the most amazing thing ever and it keeps me focused.

My big girl is so thrilled to be a big sister. She has such plans. I only hope she isn’t too disappointed that they baby will not be able to play with her for quite some time. Having said that, she is baby obsessed, so maybe it will all work out;-)

As a little family we could not be happier. We are excited to be a family of four;-)

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