Happy and Healthy

Friday, August 22, 2014

26 weeks pregnant. Stress, reflections and gratefulness

At 26 weeks the baby can hear conversions and distinguish voices! Our baby responds to big sister every time she speaks. It’s so amazing;-) babe weighs in at almost 2 pounds!!! We have less then 14 weeks to go until we get to meet our new tiny human and I am not sure how the time is going so fast!
I have been reflecting lots lately about this pregnancy. How different it is from my first (which was pretty smooth). This one started super bumpy. Lots of pain, a traumatic misdiagnose, that thank goodness didn’t end in tragedy, the loss of one baby, the discovery of a healthy second one, the work issues, the high blood pressure, heart murmur, the horrendous migraines and then medical leave.
It’s been a blur, a whirl wind and also an amazing journey. Amazing because this life is so wanted. It is worth every bit of stress and complication that has happened. I have discovered a lot about myself and the people in my life.

About myself: I have discovered that I am exactly where I am meant to be. My little family has never been a stronger unit. I have learned, finally to move past what others think and to look after myself and my family. It’s funny that you can actually learn to do this when your decisions impact the life of your unborn child.

About others: those that are truly there for you really are. They support you and care for you and just understand all the things that you can’t put into words. For them I am forever grateful. Then there are those that claim to be there. That tell others that they are there for you, but in reality they do everything to make things more difficult and have their own reasons why they can’t actually care about your well being. The funny thing is, it’s ok. Their true colours become obvious and it’s just not worth moving past. When it comes to your children and your health it’s just not worth trying to force trust. So, you let go and you move on and you become grateful to see then for what they really are.
I am grateful. I am happy. Yes, most of my days are hard and I struggle to maintain normalcy for my amazing four year old but I am also blessed to be able to rest in my home and watch my daughter play. Here is safe and relaxing and exactly where we need to be.

In roughly 14 weeks we will get to officially meet this amazing new person that kicks me so hard! Lol. We can’t wait to meet you babe. You are amazing and so wanted! Your big sister wishes every day for you to arrive now. I am happy that you are not listening to her. She will be the worlds best big sister!

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