Happy and Healthy

Friday, January 1, 2016

What is the 21 Day Fix?


It’s not another diet. In fact, it’s EXACTLY the opposite!

21 Day Fix lets you EAT! Only in just the right portions, so you don’t feel miserable and
deprived—but you CAN finally start losing weight.            
What’s the secret? Our seven exclusive containers. Each one is colour-coded for a different kind of food, and pre-measured for the precise portion. You’ll never have to “eyeball” your measurements
again—if it fits in the container, you can eat it!
Combine this eating plan with one 30-minute workout a day. That’s all. It’s that simple!

    You don't have to eat directly from the containers.

Create delicious meals by tossing all your ingredients into a bowl to make a healthy and filling pasta or salad—just like this one!

Your 21 Day Fix Essential Package includes:

SIMPLE FITNESS 6 easy-to-follow workouts on 2 DVDs 

Ready for a major calorie burn in only 30 minutes? We made these workouts short so you can get in, get out, and get on with your day. But that's no excuse for taking it easy. The workouts will challenge you at every level to help maximize fat loss. And there's always a modifier on screen to show you how to dial down the intensity without losing the benefits. 

  • Upper Fix. Targeted resistance training helps shape your chest, back, shoulders, arms, and abs. 
  • Lower Fix. Firm and tone your entire lower body while you blast fat and burn calories. 
  • Total Body Cardio Fix. Keep your heart rate up and your metabolism revved high long after the workout is over. 
  • Cardio Fix. Get your heart pumping and your body moving as you melt away the pounds. 
  • Pilates Fix. Strengthen your core, elongate your muscles, and firm your hips and thighs. 
  • Yoga Fix. Improve your balance, flexibility, and strength as you help relax your muscles. 

SIMPLE EATING Your 21-day portion-control system 

Forget about ounces, cups, and calories. These seven color-coded containers and Shakeology shaker cup deliver exactly the right portions every time, so you never eat too much or too little. Fill them up with as much food as you want—if it fits, you can eat it! 

Purple—Fruit Red—Protein 
Blue—Healthy Fats and Cheese
2 Orange—Seeds and Oils 
Shakeology® Shaker Cup—Drinks 

Plus an easy plan to help you succeed: 21 Day Fix Start Here Start seeing results immediately! This quickstart guide and workout calendar shows you just how simple it is to achieve your weight-loss goals.

For more details, or to place your order, Click here.

Monday, March 23, 2015

Brown Rice Tuna Casserole

This recipe has ot all. Healthy. Easy. Kid approved. It's the perfect solution for the days that you have not planned in advance.

1 1/4 cups uncooked brown rice
3 cups water
1 tbsp. butter
1 cup chopped celery
1 small onion, finely diced
1/2 cup plain Greek yogurt
1 cup milk
1/2 tsp. oregano
1/2 tsp. salt
1/4 tsp. pepper
2 (7 oz.) can tuna, water packed, drained
3 cups of lightly steamed cauliflower 

1. Combine rice and water in large saucepan. Bring to a boil. Reduce heat, cover and cook 35 minutes. Remove from heat. Add butter.
2. Add celery, onion, yogurt and milk.
3. Add salt, pepper and oregano; mix well.
4. Add flaked tuna and cauliflower; mix well.
5. Turn into 2 quart casserole. Bake in 350 degree oven for 30 minuets.
6. Top with shredded cheese (we use white, dye free cheddar) and paprika.
Serves 6.

Tuesday, February 24, 2015


I am blessed to have such amazing friends. As strong as family. Always there. I love them. 

It's an entirely other experience to watch your child work on creating her own friendships. Lessons are being learnt and lifetime memories are forming.

Here is to the road ahead.

Wednesday, February 18, 2015

Where I Do My Thinking

Where do you do your thinking?

For me these days, it's in my car while I am waiting for the school bell to ring.

Today has been interesting. I have come full circle in the last few minutes. 

I recently completed the first round of the 21 day fix and felt amazing!!!! Then this little thing called life happened.

I am sitting here today realizing that I don't feel good. I feel stressed. Not overly happy. I'm worried about my five year old. She is struggling at school with certain friends. Long story and this isn't the place. But, the result is that I feel like crap because I am allowing the stress to control me. It's just way too easy to let life take over and just float along. 

For me, when I am stressed, this means not eating anywhere near enough to care for my body. If it wasn't for shakeology every single morning without fail I would be in trouble.

After a few days of this I am realizing how awful I feel. I feel burnt out. Done.

Well, since I had the ability today to recognize what is going on. To take the above photo and see the weight coming back on my face I am taking control back.

I can't help her if I feel like this. So back to the fix I go. Properly tracking my food intake and feeling good so I can give my baby what she needs from me.

I am owning this. No more excuses. When I can't do it for me, I will do it for her.

Monday, February 16, 2015

A Picture Is Worth a Thousand Words

You know that old saying "a picture is worth a thousand words"? It's so true. I love pictures. I love the captured moments and the memories that are literally felt when you see the photo years later. Photos have the obvious and the not so obvious. Never to be taken at face value and never to be judged. Having said that, they almost always are.

This is one of my favorite pictures. It was a selfie that my hubby and I took on our little family trip to Tofino back in 2014.

I love it because, it holds a huge story for me. My memories hold happiness and heartache. This photo represents so much. None of it is visible. 

Here is what the picture doesn't show:

- We had just lost a baby. We still carried one, but had lost the other. 
- I was having loads of pregnancy complications.
- a heart murmur
- migraines
- high, and I mean very high, blood pressure
- extreme dizziness, almost the spins
- I struggled to walk and to function 
- it was shortly after this trip that I was placed on medical leave.

Here is why I love it so much:

- we had each other
- we had a healthy four year old daughter
- we had a healthy developing baby
- we supported each other through our loss 
- we communicated our grief
- we had time together in a beautiful place to appreciate what we had
- during this time we became very aware of who the supportive people in our lives are, and who they were not. I am not bitter about the people that should have been supportive but weren't. I am thankful to know. 

I say all this to remind myself and others that just because something appears a certain why, it doesn't make it so. Our society in general, is extremely judgemental. I strive to remember this time in my life when pictures painted a picture that was no where near reality. 

You look at it and see surface value. I see the story, feel the loss, the love and the learning.

We are all walking through our own stories. We don't often share. We all have struggles and heartaches that others are not privy to. We just need to remember to be kind and above all, non judgemental.

This is my reminder.

Thursday, February 12, 2015

Kale and Brussels Sprouts Salad

I love the fix! It has given us such an edge on our health. Empowered us to make good decisions and has nicely shown us where our issue where. It's not that we ate very unhealthy at all, but you can certainly over eat on healthy foods. You just don't realize it because they are "good for you foods". This is tricky business! Lol

I love all the fresh produce that is coming into our house and is being consumed daily. I am pushing myself to think outside the box of my normally very boring selection of meals and really get creative. This often means just making things simple again. It's just so funny how that goes.

Here is a goodie for you to try! Suggested from none other, then Autumn herself!

Here is Autumn’s raw kale and brussels sprouts salad recipe. The 21 Day Fix container equivalents are: 3 Green, ½ Orange, 2 tsp.

Total Time: 15 min.
Prep Time: 15 min.
Cooking Time: None
Yield: 4 servings, about 3 cups each


1 large bunch kale, washed, thoroughly dried, stems removed, finely chopped
(6 to 8 cups chopped)
8 brussels sprouts, finely shredded
1½ medium cucumbers, thinly sliced
1 medium red bell pepper, thinly sliced
½ tsp. Himalayan salt
3 Tbsp. extra-virgin olive oil
¼ cup fresh lemon juice
2 Tbsp. raw cider vinegar
24 whole almonds, chopped


1. Combine kale, brussels sprouts, cucumbers, and bell pepper in a large serving bowl.
2. Season with salt.
3. Drizzle with oil, lemon juice, and vinegar; toss gently to blend.
4. Refrigerate, covered, for 15 minutes.
5. Sprinkle with almonds and enjoy!

Thursday, February 5, 2015

Chili Recipe - 21 Day Fix Approved

I am loving the fix and the flexibility that it offers. You get to eat so much food every day. It's just crazy!! At first it was fun to play with salads. We ate a lot of salad for the first week but we soon found out that we are happy to eat salad during the day, but we really aren't a huge fan of it for dinner. So it's time to get creative. The other thing that matters to me is that I am a Mom. I seem to be busy most of the time and there are nights that making dinner is super hard. Not to mention that our sweet baby seems o be a little on the needy side at the same time as I need to be making dinner. Sigh. The solution for me is the crock pot. Thank goodness for the crock pot. It saves me so often.

Here is yesterday's dinner. We loved it and it's one red, one green, one yellow. Perfect.

Chili Recipe - 21 Day Fix Approved


Two 14.5 oz cans of low sodium diced tomatoes - 4 Greens
1 large onion - 1 Green
1 16 oz Cans of Kidney Beans - 5 Yellows
5 Red Containers of Cooked Fat Free Ground Turkey - 5 Red Containers
3 tbsp chili powder - Free Spice
1/2 tsp garlic powder - Free Spice
1/2 tsp cumin - Free Spice
1/2 tsp of red pepper flakes - Free Spice
pinch of black pepper - Free Spice
1/2 cup of water - Free


Combine all ingredients in a crock pot and stir.

Cook on low for 8 hours or high for 4 hours.

Separate into 5 equal sized servings. Each serving counts as 1 red, 1 green and 1 yellow.

This freezes very well:-)