Happy and Healthy

Sunday, December 28, 2014

Gingerbread Granola

This seasonal recipe for gingerbread granola is perfect if you want a little treat. It’s especially good on top of yogurt. Just 58 calories.
Total Time: 1 hr. 10 min.
Prep Time: 15 min.
Cooking Time: 55 min.
Yield: 30 servings, 2 Tbsp. each
2½ cups old-fashioned rolled oats
½ cup slivered almonds
1½ tsp. ground cinnamon
1¼ tsp. ground ginger
¼ tsp. ground cloves
¼ tsp. sea salt (or Himalayan salt)
¼ cup molasses
3 Tbsp. virgin coconut oil
½ cup unsweetened applesauce
1. Preheat oven to 300° F.
2. Line baking pan with parchment paper. Set aside.
3. Combine oats, almonds, cinnamon, ginger, cloves, and salt in a large mixing bowl; mix well. Set aside.
4. Combine molasses, oil, and applesauce in a small saucepan; cook, over low heat, stirring continuously, for 4 to 5 minutes, or until oil has melted.
5. Pour molasses mixture over oat mixture; mix until oats are evenly coated.
6. Place on prepared baking pan; spread evenly in a thin layer.
7. Bake for 50 minutes, stirring every 20 minutes, or until granola is light golden brown and crisp.
8. Cool granola completely (it will get more crisp as it cools).
9. Store in an airtight container.

Saturday, December 27, 2014

Yes, I have a C SECTION Scar, and I Like It

I have to be honest here. I often hear Mom's complaining of the scar (and surrounding area) that they have left behind from their csections and every time it breaks my heart a little bit more.

I have had two csections. My most recent one was just 4.5 months ago. Yes, my midsection is a bit of a mess, yes I have the "shelf". If you have had a section you will know exactly what I am talking about. You know, that wack of stomach fat that hangs so "nicely" over top of the incision line. Effectionatly called The. Shelf. But, here's the thing. It represents something amazing. 

For me, it represents two beautiful, healthy girls that we are beyond blessed to have. It represents the amazing wonders of modern medicine. I am grateful for hospitals, doctors, nurses and everyone that makes the magic happen. Without them I can't even imagine how things would have turned out.

Let's be clear. I NEVER wanted a csection and when I was pregnant with my first I never even allowed myself to believe that it would be an option. I didn't have a birthing plan but I felt confident that there would be no csection.

However, 23 hours of back labour later and we had a stuck baby. One that was not coming out no matter what we tried. So there it was. I had an emergency csection and in the end, a healthy baby.

I DID NOT feel like a failure. Nor did I ever feel disappointed that things didn't go according to some preconceived plan. My plan was simply to have a healthy baby and remain healthy myself. I did that.

Recovery was hard. I'm not going to lie. When you enter a massive surgey already exhausted there is no way that you are going to have a walk in the park recovery. But I did recover. I felt like it took forever. The truth is, it took me two years to figure out how to look after myself and be a Mom at the same time. Most days I felt like I was sinking and the thought of proper exercise and proper nutrition for myself was just too much. But, two years later I finally figured it out. At home exercise programs (that I swear by) and my trusty breakfast shake every day and the rest just fell into place. Finally. The "shelf" even got to the point that it had almost disappeared. That scar remainded and always reminded me that I matter as much as my daughter does. I learned to look after myself because I want her to grow up and make herself a priority.

Five years later, with my second pregnancy things were progressing fairly smoothly until we found out that this time we had a frank breech baby and labour was not an option. Nor was flipping the baby due to complications that had occurred in the pregnancy. So there we were, on route for another csection. Oddly, I was at peace as soon as I heard about the position of the baby and had the section booked.

Again, end result was a healthy baby and a healthy mom. Recovery the second time was so much better. I had much more realistic expectations on myself. I had the knowledge of how to slowly add my fitness back in. I understood how to rebuild my core. I am not there yet. That darn shelf is not only still there, but it's well defined. Hahaha. For now, but not for long. My at home program is ramping back up and come the New Year I will be making some progress.

Moms, please look at your scar and see your beautiful children. Be happy you had options for their healthy and safe arrival. 

Know that scars have stories and can be beautiful. You are beautiful. 

The "shelf" does get smaller. I don't care who tells you otherwise, it's simply not true. 

You can make time for yourself. You deserve to feel good and be happy. You are not a failure. You are here and so is your baby. 

Be proud, you had a beautiful baby. You have a scar with a story and the power to learn to love it.

Sunday, December 21, 2014

New Year, New You

I have been having a hard time getting my fitness in lately and that has got me already thinking about my New Years resolution.

Did you know that if you have a plan and a well defined start date along with support you will be much more successful?

Having said that I wanted to share my plan with you and invite you to join me;-)

I have a 30 day challenge planned that will begin on Monday, January 12th. The plan with provide you with 30 days of clean eating meals, recipes, grocery lists, complete fitness program and the healthiest protein shake out there.

Are you interested in more details?

Email me or comment below for more details.

Monday, December 15, 2014

The New Year and the Magic of New Beginnings

I love approaching a New Year. I love the natural thought process that happens when we allow ourselves to reflect on how we spent the last 12 months. Some years are monumental, full of new experiences, changes, accomplishments and growth. While others seem to be a constant battle and we feel lucky to have made it through in one piece.

For me the last 12 months hold both amazing memories and absolute heartbreak. During the year we lost, learned and were rewarded with an amazing gift.

We learned: To make time for ourselves again. To appreciate each other and make time for dating while being parents. We learned how precious and valuable our relationship is and will always put it first.

We decided to expand our family. We conceived twins.

We lost: One of our beautiful babies. Very early in the pregnancy. We didn't know there was two. A D&C didn't feel right so we waited.

We learned: To trust ourselves. The Friday before Christmas last year, they discovered our second baby! Three weeks after that we had confirmation that the pregnancy was healthy. We learned to trust our instincts. Always.

Our pregnancy was not without more issues and complications. I was placed on medical leave. I was told that nothing was worth risking the second baby. I happen to agree. We learned more. Work is work. At the end of the day I was a number and replaceable. I learned. I accepted.

Our gift: An amazing healthy baby girl that lights up our life. Who loves her big sister more then anything. She completes our family. Our life is full.

2015 holds so much. I look towards it with excitement. We have big goals and big dreams. We have learned so much and grown so much stronger. The hard times made us brutally aware of how precious life is and how to put things in perspective.

2015 will hold more challenges. Of that I am sure. However, it also will be bring changes and growth and so much excitement.

My heart is full and I am living in the moment enjoying these two beautiful girls that we have the gift of raising.

Merry Christmas and Hapy New Year! 

2015. We have our goals. We have our hopes. We are ready for the freshness of a New Year. 

Let's do this. 

Tuesday, December 9, 2014

A Mothers Ramblings

We are blessed with two beautiful girls. Our oldest is 5 and our youngest is 4 months. They are both amazing, unique and vibrant.

As of late I find myself doing a lot of self reflection. When I was pregnant with our first I naively thought that having a baby would be easy. That not much would change. We would have this perfect little baby and life would be fabulous.

Well, we did have a beautiful little baby but it was HARD. Really hard. She never slept. She was up 12 times a night. She had reflux badly. She had inner ear issues. She was sick. A lot. The doctors kept saying it was the flu....for 8 months? Really? Breast feeding was the most horrible thing I had ever tried to do. Painfull....and it never got better. I slowly became a mess. A sleep deprived mom that struggled every single day to just keep her head above water. I was drowning in postpartum depression and I never realized it.

Becoming a Mom was a life changing experience. It humbled me in ways that I never imagined. Tested me in ways I didn't know I could be tested and taught me a love that is greater then any that I have ever known.  I am greatful to be so blessed. My little family went through the wringer and came out stronger then ever. Just like the pheniox rises out of the fire. Life got good.

We decided after 4 years to expand our family once again. While my first pregnancy was blissful and easy my second was the complete opposite. You can read some of it here. The pregnancy taught me even more about life and struggle. Enlightened me on what really matters in life. Showed me who was really there for us and who was not. It changed me. In a lot of ways, and I am grateful for the changes. I am a better Mom and a better Wife.

Being a Mom to two has been amazing. I have found my groove. I find it easier, much easier, to balance two tiny humans. The girls are happy and guess what? They sleep. Sleep. It's the game changer. I am fully convinced that you can take on anything if you can sleep. There are still bad days, but much less of them. There is no postpartum depression this time around. My husband and I are a real team, this time around. I learned a lot from the first go round. The girls love each other deeply. Sibling rivalry has not started yet. Life is good.