Happy and Healthy

Monday, December 15, 2014

The New Year and the Magic of New Beginnings

I love approaching a New Year. I love the natural thought process that happens when we allow ourselves to reflect on how we spent the last 12 months. Some years are monumental, full of new experiences, changes, accomplishments and growth. While others seem to be a constant battle and we feel lucky to have made it through in one piece.

For me the last 12 months hold both amazing memories and absolute heartbreak. During the year we lost, learned and were rewarded with an amazing gift.

We learned: To make time for ourselves again. To appreciate each other and make time for dating while being parents. We learned how precious and valuable our relationship is and will always put it first.

We decided to expand our family. We conceived twins.

We lost: One of our beautiful babies. Very early in the pregnancy. We didn't know there was two. A D&C didn't feel right so we waited.

We learned: To trust ourselves. The Friday before Christmas last year, they discovered our second baby! Three weeks after that we had confirmation that the pregnancy was healthy. We learned to trust our instincts. Always.

Our pregnancy was not without more issues and complications. I was placed on medical leave. I was told that nothing was worth risking the second baby. I happen to agree. We learned more. Work is work. At the end of the day I was a number and replaceable. I learned. I accepted.

Our gift: An amazing healthy baby girl that lights up our life. Who loves her big sister more then anything. She completes our family. Our life is full.

2015 holds so much. I look towards it with excitement. We have big goals and big dreams. We have learned so much and grown so much stronger. The hard times made us brutally aware of how precious life is and how to put things in perspective.

2015 will hold more challenges. Of that I am sure. However, it also will be bring changes and growth and so much excitement.

My heart is full and I am living in the moment enjoying these two beautiful girls that we have the gift of raising.

Merry Christmas and Hapy New Year! 

2015. We have our goals. We have our hopes. We are ready for the freshness of a New Year. 

Let's do this. 

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