Happy and Healthy

Sunday, February 1, 2015

The Final Day! 21 Day Fix - Day 21

First things first. Today is day 21. Wow did that ever go by fast!!! Jeff and I both decided in an instant that we are starting all over again tomorrow!! We feel way too good and have made way to much progress to stop now!

I will post before and after photos and measurements for you in a day or two once I have a chance to get that all documented. For now I will say that Jeff has lost 13 pounds. I have lost 8. I am wearing my old pants. By old I mean, the pants that I wore BEFORE I got pregnant!! Oh yes, that feels good.

For those of you that are wondering what the colours mean. Here is an example.

Tonight's dinner for me was 1 red, 1 yellow, 1 green and 1 blue.

Here are the containers.

I created a pork tenderloin dish tonight. It was pretty good.

Here is what it looks like after it has been measured out using the containers.

Steamed broccoli with melted cheddar cheese. Pork tenderloin sautéed in garlic and onion with homemade chicken broth and tomatoes over brown rice.

The workouts are so good!!! Tonight after the kids went to bed I dragged myself downstairs and pushed play. It's only 30 minutes and it was yoga fix. Feels so good after a long week to get in a good stretch!!

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