Happy and Healthy

Monday, January 12, 2015

21 Day Fix - Day 1

My husband and I officially started the 21 day fix today. It was a pretty good day.

My first realization this morning as I started prepping food was, wow, do I ever under eat. No wonder my body is holding on to the padding!!!

We eat pretty well as is, but I am quickly seeing where we make our mistakes. I am so excited to see where we end up at the end of this round. I already know we will complete another 21 days after this.

It's funny that I am actually saying this. I was very reluctant to give this program an honest try before. It seemed to overwhelm me. It must have been mindset, as it's actually pretty easy to follow along! 

I have been busy planning recipes that use the containers to measure. That makes things crazy easy! I can't wait to share these with you!

I just finished prepping lunches for tomorrow. I make Jeff a lunch almost every day for work and it's always the same variation of things. This has opened up a whole new world of items that I can send with him for lunch (and they don't need to be heated up!). I am pumped.

Our baby is finishing having her night time snuggle with me as I type this, then, she will be off to bed for the night, her big sister will follow shortly and then Jeff and I will get our workouts in. What ever works, right?

Day one = total success!!!

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