Happy and Healthy

Friday, January 16, 2015

21 Day Fix - Day 5

Today was a good day. No curve balls!

Here are a couple real life reasons why I love the 21 day fix so much:

1) Today is Friday. I wanted a glass of red wine. I can have it!!! Substitute the yellow container for a 4 ounce glass of red! Woot woot. Happy Friday!! 

2) "Nana" offered to watch the girls tonight so that we could go out for dinner. When you have younger kids would you actually turn this down? A date? Not me! So we headed out and didn't even have to wreak our plan. The 21 day fix has restaurant friendly food!!! 

We orderd seafood salads with the dressing on the side. We consumed 2 greens, 2 reds, 1 blue and 1 orange.

What a fabulous way to wrap up the week!


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