Happy and Healthy

Thursday, January 15, 2015

21 Day Fix - Day 4

Today was a bit of a struggle. Nothing major, just a bad Mom day. The baby was up a couple times last night. My five year old was up four times with bad dreams and just to not feel left out, our dog even got me up once!

Fast forward to this morning and I was feeling.....ROUGH! 

All I wanted was a comfort coffee. Morning coffee with.....gunk! Sigh. Settled for honey In My coffee instead and was pleasantly surprised with the taste. Ok, I CAN do this. First hurdle dodged.

I wasn't done there. We ended up running errands unexpectedly and I found myself quite a distance from home, starving and unprepared. As I stared at McDonalds, and even went inside to change the babies diaper I realized the best solution was to go into the grocery store. 

One large banana, one Greek yogurt and a water = 2 purple and 1 red. Golden!

The baby is five months old. She had an off day today;-( dinner was going to be a challenge. I could just tell. So I decided to pull out the slow cooker and see what I could manage to throw in there. 

All I had was a beef tenderloin. I wouldn't use a beef roast next time while doing the fix BUT when you have a crabby baby you do the best you can with what you have.

I threw onions, celery, sweet potatoes and garlic in the button of the slow cooker. Lightly seasoned the roast, seared it to lock in the flavors. Added it to the crock pot (frozen!) and added some water for moisture. At dinner I topped it with onions, cut up some fresh raw peppers and boom, one red, one green, one yellow. Not bad for a hard day.

I am proud that even when things are out of my hands, as today was, I now know that I can still make this work. It's a lifestyle and it's completely doable!!

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