Happy and Healthy

Monday, January 19, 2015

21 Day Fix - Day 8

Here we are at the start of week two. We have both had success and it feels good. Having said that, life sure tries to get in the way of good intentions. Do you ever find that?

I have been watching my oldest daughter have issues at school. She is a strong minded, spirited child, yet she allows one girl to boss her around at school. While watching her play for a bit after school, there was yet another in issue. It's just starting to wear me down. I am tapping out. Obviously I will keep working on this, but man, it's a real esteem deflater. We talked about the issue for the entire drive home. It was exhausting and by the time we arrived home I just wanted a glass of wine! haha! One yellow....The wine is worth one yellow. I still had it to substitute. I made the choice and went for it. Just one.

Next came time to make dinner. I was quickly running out of time. I ended up taking yesterday's soup and giving it a quick puree for a fresh look for tonight's dinner. One red, 2 greens and one yellow.

Then while the kids were getting ready for bed it was time to make lunches. Three of them! That was a lot of chopping! But its done, and there are three healthy, balanced lunches and snacks that will be heading out the door tomorrow. Now I can relax;-)

I have realized that its actually hard to make lunches without absentmindedly snacking while you prepare! Honestly, I didn't even really realize that I do it. I love a system that actually draws my attention to my weaknesses. Makes it so much easier to be aware and make changes. 

Today was challenging but also exciting.

The exciting part about today was that my challenge group officially started. I have these amazing ladies that are joining me for accountability while they do the 21 day fix with me. It's amazing. They are all off to a great start and I love the meal sharing that has started to happen already.

I am so proud of each of them.

Change is hard.

Not making excuses is hard.

Starting is hard.

Taking the first few steps to a lifestyle change is amazing!

21 Days = New habits

I can't wait to see what the next three weeks bring!!

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