Happy and Healthy

Saturday, January 17, 2015

21 Day Fix - Day 6

I was super curious about the wine that I drank last night. I kind of figured that it would have put a pound back on me, or just plateaued me a little. So this morning, I decided to do a weigh in. Down a total of 5 pounds! What a great way to start the day.

I am seeing my energy increase now too. It's very encouraging!

I am finding it easier every day to figure out the colours and portions. I can look at a plate and see it in containers now. It's super funny....and helpful! Lol

Most of all I love that this is not a restrictive diet. I am eating real food. I AM NOT getting results by following some unrealistic plan that will sees my results disappear the second I start eating real food again. I do not believe in those diets. I don't even like the word diet.

Dinner tonight was simple. 1 red of shrimp, 1 orange of oil and balsamic dressing and 2 greens of lettuce and mixed raw veggies.

One of the amazing ladies in my challenge group shared a soup recipe with me today that I can't wait to try!!! It might even be tomorrow!

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