Happy and Healthy

Friday, January 16, 2015

The Reality

Some days I get so overwhelmed. I look at this beautiful baby girl that we have and I am just struck by the emotion.

We were told the baby was gone.

We were told we needed a D & C.

We were told there was no hope.

We were told it was final.

Yet, it just didn't feel right.

My mothers instinct was screaming NO.

They are wrong. I won't believe it, I refused to believe it.

So we waited.

Yes, we did lose a beautiful baby. I wonder sometimes what he or she might have been like. Karis's twin.

Yet, I am comforted by the fact that I trusted my instinct.

Our beautiful baby Karis is here today because I trusted myself. Second guessed the professionals. We waited. My amazing husband supported and backed my feelings.

10 days. The longest 10 days of my life, but there she was. Healthy as can be.


We are truly blessed, and yes, I do believe in miracles.

Karis Hope. You enrich our lives every single day.

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