Happy and Healthy

Tuesday, January 13, 2015

21 Day Fix - Day 2

I think I am in love with this program. So funny as I was probably one of the biggest skeptics out there. I don't deal well with restrictive diets, and this isn't restrictive at all. It's amazing and EASY! Yes, it takes prep and some learning but both Jeff and I stood on the scale today, just out of curiosity and we have both lost three pounds!!!! What you need to understand is this:

⭕️ we are eating more than normal (especially me)
⭕️ we are drinking way more water then normal too

So this is crazy! It's not weight loss from water loss. I'm not hungry at all and have been loving the workouts too.

Dinner tonight was so delicious and was even kid approved!!! We all had the same dinner of appropriate sizes as our needs are all a little different.

Oh, yes, this was good!!!

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