Happy and Healthy

Tuesday, January 27, 2015

21 Day Fix - Day 16

I am feeling my strength increase. My pants are getting loose!!! Can we take a moment and let that settle? 16 days and my pants are slipping!!! Woot woot!!! Feeling so good!!!!

I would never call the 21 day fix a diet. I can eat pretty much anything. It just has to fit in one of these containers.

It's not hard at all. They really are the perfect portions. I have done a few diets in the past and they have been awful. Mostly because I have been hungry. That's not ok. Sure, you lose weight. But you lose it because you are limiting your bodies needs. As soon as you start eating like a real person again you gain it all back and usually a little extra. The 21 day fix, is a way of life. If you fall off the wagon, go on vacation or have a crazy weekend it doesn't take much to start your 21 days again and get right back on track. You are creating a healthy place for your body and not limiting it's needs. You are not starving yourself!

I have made such great, healthy dinners while following this system. Kid and husband approved. I don't plan on stopping. The best part of this is that you can run your 21 days as many times as you like.

The 30 minute workouts are amazing and very effective!!! 

30 minutes. Get in. Get it done. Get out.

Send me an email if you would like to hear more about this program. tbennallack@gmail.com

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