Happy and Healthy

Tuesday, January 20, 2015

21 Day Fix - Day 9

I am happy to happy to say that I am finding my groove. It's getting almost easy to look at food and quickly see how to put the colours together. There are some amazing ideas coming from my challengers too. I have so many different meals to try now. It's awesome!!!

Here is an added bonus that I never in a million years expected. I suffer from adult acne. I have tried just about everything to clear it up and short of being pregnant, nothing works! Imagine my shock, that here I am on day nine and my skin is clearing up!!!!! AMAZE BALLS, I AM NOT KIDDING!!!!! I was already enjoying the results of this and I am amazed that my mom belly is quickly disappearing, but this.....this is remarkable.

Remember how I made three lunches last night? Well, I spent today at school with my five year old in her kindergarten class. I had my perfectly planned snacks and lunch. It was fabulous and so fun to eat with the kids. I even got to join in for gym class. Loved running around with them.

Tonight we had baked chicken (1 red for me, 2 reds for Jeff), steamed cauliflower topped with shredded cheddar cheese (1 green, 1 blue). Jeff had another green left so her also got a full green of grilled zucchini, I just had a little to top up my green.



Lunch prep tonight was also so much easier. It's starting to feel like a normal event. I am excited about that! This is the salad that I made for Jeff's lunch tomorrow.

One red, three greens, one orange.

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