Happy and Healthy

Sunday, January 18, 2015

21 Day Fix - Day 7

It's now been a week. I am feeling good. The first two days were a little hard as I worked to give up my boredom eating (which, by the way, I wasn't even aware I was doing!!!). That says something, don't you think?

Today started out crazy. This has nothing to do with the fix, but I will share it anyways. I am fighting a head cold so Jeff intended to let me sleep in this morning. He was up with the girls and I was sound asleep. I woke up abruptly to an extremely large bang, that shock our house. We were having a pretty substantial wind storm and out neighbours car shelter took flight and literally slammed into the side of our house. It hit hard enough to do some damage too. Bam. Good morning. Not a way that I want to wake up again.

The rest of the day was fairly routine balancing out the colour containers throughout the day. We did discover a new way to make breakfast. We always have a shakeology for breakfast. It's my favorite meal of the day. Today we added a full green of spinach into the blender and made the shake. It was delicious! You couldn't taste it at all. In fact it tasted just like a milk shake. Only crazy, and I mean crazy healthy!

The wind and rain continued and I wanted soup. So I chopped celery, carrots and onions and threw it into the crock pot with homemade turkey broth and some left over turkey that I had frozen. I added 1 red on brown rice and walked away.

It was a delicious dinner, 1 red, 1 yellow, 2 green.

The best part is that I am going to freeze the left overs and the next time that I don't feel like making dinner or run out of time, I have a save! Mom score:-)

Oh and so far I have lost 5 pounds and Jeff has lost 10! I'm excited for the week ahead:-)

I am starting another round of this on February 9th and already have some amazing ladies that have committed to joining me. The support is amazing.

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