Happy and Healthy

Wednesday, January 7, 2015

MONDAY brings big changes for me

It's been a frustrating journey. After my second csection I waited the recommended six weeks to heal. Then I felt pretty good so I started going for walks and then I slowly added in some at home exercise workouts. They felt great but then I got injured and have been dealing with upper back issues. While dealing with this I enjoyed WAY TOO MUCH of the good food and drink over the holidays and now I am brutally aware that I need to make some changes.

This is not about being skinny, or even looking good. This is about feeling good. I am doing this for me. It's time to feel comfortable in my own skin again.

have good motivation to keep going as well. I have two beautiful girls that I want to grow up strong and independent. I want them to know that it's ok to make time for themselves and to look after the,selves. The only way I can garuntee this is to show them how.

I am mentally ready for Monday.

Here is my motivation:

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