Happy and Healthy

Friday, January 23, 2015

21 Day Fix - Day 12

LIf you had told me 2 weeks ago that I would be drinking my coffee black in the morning I would have burst out loud laughing. I LOVE my morning coffee. I have just one a day and I LOVE it with hazelnut creamer!

Now, I committed to stepping it up this month. I needed to feel good again and get back in shape. I need the energy and confidence that comes with it. So I am following the plan and using the containers. I have given up my chemically charged, much loved coffee creamer. Coffee black, with honey. Guess what? It actually tastes good! I am on day 12! 12 days of black coffee! It bothers me more mentally, then the taste, to drink it black. Isn't that saying something?!?!

While I have given up my creamer I am still allowed wine. Yep, that's a compromise that works for me! Lol here we are, it's Friday again. One of my dearest friends is coming for the weekend and I am looking forward to some girl chats and wine!!!

Friday night for us is almost always family date night. We usually have pizza. Tonight we opted for soft tacos. Super easy, delicious and 21 day fix friendly!!! We made our own from here using our containers!
1 yellow, 1 red, 1 green!

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