Happy and Healthy

Wednesday, January 14, 2015

21 Day Fix - Day 3

The hardest part of this challenge has been giving up my one bad food item. I absolutly love the international coffee creamer.  I know, I know. Can we say chemical s&@t storm!? But it tastes so good and I enjoy one cup of coffee each morning with this "creamer" that we affectionately call gunk. We have given it up for this as clearly it is one of the few items that is listed on the absolutly not list!

I am learning to appreciate coffee with a splash of almond milk. It's honestly not too bad.

Other then my coffee, the rest of the day was great!

Especially dinner. Buffalo style stuffed yam. I thought it was a super bizarre combination of ingredients. I'm not usually overly creative but I am really enjoying playing around with the different food combinations.

It was delicious! Jeff loved it and M ate it too, minues the hot sauce!

1.5 red, 1 yellow, 1 spoon serving and 1 green! I'm getting the hang of this container system!

(Baked chicken, baked yam, plain Greek yogurt and hot sauce with a side of grilled zucchini).

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